"A Toda Costa" (in English, "at all coast") is a sustainable development plan for the coastal region of the Departments of Garay and San Javier, which are part of the province of Santa Fe.
Problems and Purpose
The initiative was proposed in 2016 by the provincial government headed by Miguel Lifschitz, with the purpose of promoting projects that strengthen the productive and tourist development of the Santa Fe coast. The plan is scheduled for a first stage of three years until 2019; however, the idea is to establish long-term planning that commits and involves future governments.
Background History and Context
Organizing, Supporting, and Funding Entities
Participant Recruitment and Selection
Methods and Tools Used
What Went On: Process, Interaction, and Participation
Citizens participated in face-to-face planning meetings during the first 120 days of the plan, and later had the opportunity to participate through the online platform, commenting on more than 120 projects in different areas. The web page of the initiative contains the investment map where all the works in process of implementation are located, ranging from housing plans to rainwater drainage, paving routes and sanitation works, among others.
Influence, Outcomes, and Effects
Analysis and Lessons Learned
See Also
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