Missions Publiques is an agency specialized in citizen participation based in Paris, Bonn and Brussels. Since 1998, we have initiated or organized over 1,250 citizen dialogues in 125 countries. We activate citizen expertise to co-construct policies of general interest and feed long-term strategies of public and private organizations.
Mission and Purpose
Created in 1998, its mission is to improve the dialogue between citizens, stakeholders and decisionmakers, for better collective choices and decision-making.
Origins and Development
With our partners, we activate citizen expertise to co-construct policies of general interest and to feed the strategies of public and private organizations. Our team, composed of twenty people, is based in Paris, Brussels and Bonn. We work with public authorities, civil society organizations and private sector by creating, implementing and evaluating deliberative processes and consultations
Specializations, Methods and Tools
We help you design each project so that the participatory process has the greatest impact to feed your policies or strategies and to better inform and involve the concerned audience. From the beginning, we support you in an early assessment of the expected impacts, for a framing of the project as relevant, clear and transparent as possible.
Major Projects and Events
- At global level: We, the Internet. Since 2018, We, the Internet dialogues have brought together thousands of people around the world to discuss the future of the Internet and to help decision-makers at all levels make smart and legitimate choices. In 2022, Missions Publiques plans to implement at Citizens' Dialogue to feed the UN Global Digital Compact as well as a global Citizens' Assembly on the future of the Internet to build a citizens' roadmap on a better digital future. Strategic partners: Google, Facebook, the European Commission, Internet society, Wikimedia.
Website: wetheinternet.org
Hashtag: #WeTheInternet
- At EU level: The Citizens' Panels on the Conference on the future of Europe. Four European Citizens’ Panels are organized to allow citizens to jointly think about the future they want for the European Union. 20 Representatives from each European Citizens' Panel, of which at least one third are younger than 25, take part in the Plenary, presenting the outcome of their discussions in the form of recommendations and debating them with other participants. The panels take on board contributions gathered in the framework of the Conference through the multilingual digital platform, providing input to the Conference Plenary by formulating a set of recommendations for the Union to follow-up on.
Website: https://futureu.europa.eu/assemblies/citizens-panels
At national level: The Citizen’s Convention on Climate, an unprecedented democratic experiment in France, aims to give citizens a voice to accelerate the fight against climate change. Its mandate is to define a series of measures that will allow to achieve a reduction of at least 40% in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 (compared to 1990) in a spirit of social justice. Decided on by the President of the Republic, the Convention brings together 150 people, all drawn by lot; it represents the diversity of French society.
- At transnational level: The Franco-German dialogue on strengthening of cross-border cooperation in the context of COVID-19 is an initiative of Missions Publiques which aims to bring together 40 citizens from each side of the Franco-German border in online working sessions in order to formulate recommendations to the public authorities to strengthen Franco-German cooperation on the cross-border territory and to make the cooperation arrangements more resilient to crises.
- https://urbanlab.parisandco.paris/a-la-une/actualites/belle-histoire-n-17-dialogue-citoyen-comment-impliquer-les-habitants-dans-la-fabrique-de-la-ville
- https://www.lagazettedescommunes.com/663799/maitriser-la-reunion-publique-cest-tout-un-art/
- https://www.mediacites.fr/enquete/nantes/2019/01/24/a-nantes-limites-et-loupes-de-la-democratie-participative/
See Also
Great Debate on the Energy Transition in Nantes, France
Blog articles
Social media
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MPubliques_EN
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/1987815/admin/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/missionspubliques