The Citizen Conference on Regional Development Indicators (Conférence citoyenne sur les indicateurs de richesse) was convened by the regional government of Nord-Pas-de-Calais. 15 citizens deliberated and wrote a final report across 4 days.
Problems and Purpose
This mini-public was convened after the regional council launched the “Indicateurs 21” project, whose aim was to develop new, more encompassing indicators of regional development and wellbeing (in addition to GDP). These indicators included, among others, ecological footprint, poverty and social inequality, and gender equality. The minipublic’s task was to appraise the new indicators, and amend them if necessary.
Background History and Context
Organizing, Supporting, and Funding Entities
This mini-public was convened by the region Nord-Pas-de-Calais.
Participant Recruitment and Selection
Methods and Tools Used
What Went On: Process, Interaction, and Participation
The process involved 3 one-day training sessions with experts, followed by a public hearing in which participants invited external speakers. Next was a final deliberation session during which participants wrote a final report. Participants eventually presented their conclusions publicly to members of the regional council.
Influence, Outcomes, and Effects
Participants wrote a final report which was presented before the regional council. The policy impact can hardly be assessed since participants proposed few amendments to the indicators under discussion.
Analysis and Lessons Learned
See Also
External Links
This entry is based on the POLITICIZE dataset. More information can be found at the following links:
- Paulis, Emilien; Pilet, Jean-Benoit; Panel, Sophie; Vittori, Davide; Close, Caroline, 2020, "POLITICIZE Dataset",, Harvard Dataverse, V1
- Pilet J-B, Paulis E, Panel S., Vitori D & Close C. 202X. The POLITICIZE Dataset: an inventory of Deliberative Mini-Publics (DMPs) in Europe. European Political Science.