Gdansk Citizens' Panel climate assembly brought together 80 randomly selected residents from across the Gdansk region between November 19th and December 3rd 2016, to figure out what be done to improve rainwater retention in their area.
Problems and Purpose
Background History and Context
The forests of the Tri-City Landscape Park are part of the catchment area of the streams that flow through Gdańsk. Can anything be done to improve rainwater retention in their area? Should large retention reservoirs be built there, or is it better to use, for example, a network of rainwater retaining ditches ( swales ) and a small retention facility? However, what impact will this have on the nature of the Tri-City Landscape Park and is such interference in the forest something that the inhabitants of Gdańsk will accept?
Organizing, Supporting, and Funding Entities
Participant Recruitment and Selection
Randomly selected citizens.
Methods and Tools Used
What Went On: Process, Interaction, and Participation
Panel participants will get to know the positions of all representatives - offices, institutions, NGOs, district councils, residents, experts and other people who are interested in a given topic. Importantly, the panellists can appoint experts themselves.
Panelists are given the opportunity to thoroughly understand the topic and the effects of the proposed solutions through debate and participation of various circles, they have the opportunity to see different points of view.
Influence, Outcomes, and Effects
The citizens' assembly is a form of deliberative democracy. The panel's recommendations are binding - the assumption is that they are to have a real impact on decisions made. The required level of support for a binding recommendation is 80 percent of all panelists' agreement.
Analysis and Lessons Learned
See Also
External Links,a,63364