Entries about cases document specific examples of how various methods of participatory politics and governance are implemented. Cases can be contemporary or historical, completed, or ongoing.
Entries about methods provide information on the overarching processes used to guide public participation, such as citizens’ juries, deliberative polling, and participatory budgeting
Organizations are profiles of formal and informal groups that design, implement, or support innovations in participatory politics and governance. Please read our guidelines on how to write an organization.
Collections consist of Participedia entries that share common traits, such as association with a large-scale initiative, institution, or specific topic. Case, method, and organization entries are added to collections by Participedia team members. If you have a suggestion for a new collection, please contact us.
Surveys are supplementary to Participedia’s current data and narrative descriptions, and are intended to gain further insight on the outcomes and effects of cases. Completed surveys are linked to corresponding cases. See the Research page for more information about surveys.
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AND: bicycle and rally (this is the default, so the same as bicycle rally) will return items which match both words
OR: bicycle or rally will match items with either or both words
NOT: bicycle not rally will match items which contain bicycle, but only if they do not also contain rally
QUOTES: "womens rights" will return items that have womens followed by rights
PARENTHESES: (bicycle or rally) and (womens rights and UK) will will group logical operations inside the parentheses as a group before applying the operators joining groups
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